Supper last night

Because I always go back to food. :) Shell peas from the farmers market (shelled by yours truly while watching The Royal Tenenbaums with a big bowl perched upon my lap), freshly shucked corn on the cob (Catherine’s fav), green mac n cheese (a staple here), and biscuits (the only biscuit recipe I ever use, except I use all butter because I never have shortening – for shame!). I cook about 5 nights a week, but this was post-worthy because in all my years of cooking I don’t think I have ever enjoyed a meal I cooked as much as this one. It was really perfection, to me anyway. We had leftovers tonight but it just wasn’t the same.

Catherine loves corn on the cob. More than ANYTHING. To watch her eat it, you’d think she hadn’t eaten in days.

Almost-two is definitely an amazing age. It should be called The Wonderful Twos in my opinion.