My Sunday

Does anyone else ever try to take on too much?  Early Sunday morning, I dropped Chris off at the airport for a work trip, and returned home to sit on the rug with my coffee, Meeks, and about ten cookbooks spread out in front of us. My plan: choose some recipes, make a shopping list, go to the farmers market.

Then I thought, “and when I get back, I’ll reorganize all the cabinets and fridge while doing all the laundry.  And I’ll make some vegetable stock for the freezer. Yay!”

My eyes went to the corner where my little butcher block island stands, happily carrying some of the load for our bursting-at-the-seams cabinets and pantry.  We sure could use one of those big, open, industrial-looking shelves to display prettier items and free up some more cabinet space.  Did I dare go to IKEA alone and try to select, carry, then put together a shelf, while Chris was in Boston?  On top of all the other items on my agenda for the day?

Oh, but this is exactly the sort of thing I do.  I even thought I would do it all, and have time to go for a six-mile run, after which I’d leisurely make green soup for dinner and even bake some oatmeal raisin cookies to take to the office in the morning. At the end of it all, I’d curl up on the sofa with Meeks, a new book, and a glass of wine.

I thought I would do all this, and maybe even more, on Sunday.

Obviously, I did not get it all done, I did not sit down on the sofa for that glass of wine until 12:00am, and my dinner was popcorn with Cholula hot sauce, not green soup; there was no dessert.

But after seven back-and-forth trips to the car, I have all the things I need to cook to my heart’s content for a long time, including a precious stockpile of homemade broth.  And my shelf is pretty darn cute!  Though the shelves themselves will probably benefit from actually being screwed into the frame.

I think I’ll wait until Chris gets back.